Animecon 2011

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Lourens   (145 reacties)

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"Modified: 15/08/2010

For the 13th time as an N.P.O. (Non Profit Organization) Stichting Promotie Japanse Popcultuur (J-POP Foundation) proudly presents "Anime 2011, Children of the Night", the largest annual Japanese animation, film and culture festival of the Netherlands. As the title already suggests, this year, aside from the latest and greatest Anime from Japan, we will be focusing on films and series sporting a horror theme and closely related subjects, which should be something else!

When, where and how

Anime 2011 will be held from Friday the 6th through Sunday 8th of May 2011, at Theaterhotel Almelo, The Netherlands. Tickets might not be available at the door. We have a fixed limit regarding visitor capacity and we can't be certain that we can offer tickets at the door, so please pre-register as soon as possible using the online ticket booth. For more instructions about pre-registering and buying tickets online, click here. At some point, the ticket pre-sale period will end. At the door sales, at this time, can not be confirmed.

Officially we will open our doors on Friday at 15.00 hrs. In order to start enjoying the event on Friday, you need to have a Whole Weekend or Friday Only ticket, or you can try to buy one at the door. On Saturday, the festival welcomes it’s Saturday Only visitors at 10.00 hrs and on Sunday, for our Sunday Only visitors at 9.00 hrs. We expect it to be crowded at these times. So please be patient while waiting. We are doing our utmost to facilitate the speediest queue processing as is humanly possible. Please have your tickets at the ready when proceeding to the entrance. Friday and Saturday Only visitors need to vacate the festival before 23.00 hrs. For our Whole Weekend and Sunday Only visitors, the festival ends on Sunday 16.00 hrs. It would be very much appreciated if people would volunteer to help clean up afterwards!
Why this theme?

Every year the staff struggles to come up with an 'original' theme. This year was no exception. We needed to choose a subject that offered at least a reasonable amount of showable material and should be mainstream enough to be interesting to a reasonable group of our visitors. As the regular visitor knows, the theme is used for only a part of the video program. There are plenty of other genres available for the visitors that don’t like the programming the theme might suggest we are showing, We endeavour to make sure that nobody will be bored!
More information

If you are familiar with our events (if not, there is plenty of information available on this site), you might know that Anime 2011 is not just about animation and film. We also offer various (pop)cultural events like a game room with the latest console games, a dealer room with the latest goods, and last but not least, several cultural events. Please check the events pages for further details. For hotel information and how to book an arrangement check the appropriate page. If you can't find it yourself, try the "search" feature of this website."

Vragen en reacties

26-10-2010, 18:01

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Nieuw forumonderwerp

Officieel gelicenseerd door 3A Corporation, de makers van Minna no Nihongo: de hoogst aangeschreven leermethode voor de Japanse taal.

Leer Japans met Loek van Kooten, drs. Japanologie, en zijn vrouw Rumi Tasaki, native Japanse met afstudeerrichting Engelstalige literatuur. Zowel Loek als Rumi zijn al 29 jaar fulltimevertaler Japans. Onze klanten: link.

Programma vandaag

Woensdagavond (19.30 - 22.30)
8 van de 9 leerlingen aanwezig
waarvan 4 leerlingen in lokaal

H47: Schijnen met ~そうである、het lijkt erop dat met ~ようである,声・音・匂い・味がする

H47 例文5

Co2-concentratie lokaal (COVID)


Woord van de dag

Restauratie, reparatie, herstel (0)

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Ons woordenboek bevat momenteel 28.144 woorden

Kanji van de dag

bombarderen, openbarsten, knallen, splijten, bombardement, knal, splitsing

Samengesteld ideogram met een semantische en fonetische component. 暴 (baku/bō) is een samengesteld ideogram bestaande uit [日 (dag) + dierlijke huid met botten + beide handen] en staat voor het blootstellen van een dierenhuid aan de zon door deze met beide handen te ontbloten. Betekent ook "ontbloten" en "openbarsten". 爆 bestaat uit [火 (vuur) + de fonetische component 暴] en staat voor iets wat door hitte openbarst en naar buiten springt. Staat ook voor het naar buiten springen van vonken. Zie 暴.

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Bom (les 40)
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Japanse kinderen leren dit teken op de Junior High School. Je moet dit teken kennen op JLPT-niveau 2.

Vraag van de dag

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Quiz: Hoe goed is jouw Japans?

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